Sunday, September 20, 2009

Way to go Blue!

What exciting developments in your 5th and 6th weeks!

James can now:
Smiles at us, not just in his sleep anymore!
Recognize our faces
Reaches up to touch our faces during snuggle time
Follows our voices with his attention
Recognizes his toy bee "bumbles"
Kicks his legs in a walking motion when he is excited
Pulls my hair... ouch!
Can lift, hold and turn his head during tummy time

We can't wait to see what's next!


  1. This is a note for Emma:

    I lost your email address on my bike trip and won't be able to make the fashion show on the 24th (me=super sad face) soooo. Here is mine.

    I would love to get together and meet your little guy.

    Take care!

  2. Can't wait to see James again....I'll be there soon!
